3/26/2023 Pastor Wally Steele discusses the path of Jesus as we near his triumphal entry on Palm Sunday.
3/19/2023 Pastor Wally Steele presents "The Temptations of Jesus". (Matthew 4:1-11)
3/12/2023 The Words of Christ - Pastor Wally Steele discusses the words of Jesus and the significance of His words.
Lessons from this account: 1. Jesus can provide all we need 2. Stop focusing on the 'wine' 3. Believe in the messenger, not just the message |
3/5/2023 Pastor Wally Steele concludes his series of messages in Acts with a discussion of ten scriptures that he uses whenever he gets the feeling that things aren't going well.
His one-sentence guide to these scriptures are: 1. Acts 1:8 - Find your place in serving God. 2. Acts 2:42 - Learn to worship daily. 3. Acts 5:32 - Reading the scriptures can teach you what to obey. 4. Acts 5:39 - Let God fight for you. 5. Acts 10:34 - Treat everyone equally. 6. Acts 14:15 - Let go, let God. 7. Acts 14:22 - Living as a Christian takes work. 8. Acts 16:15 - Be accepting of others. 9. Acts 23:11 - Take courage, the Lord is standing near you. 10. Acts 28:28 - Listen! Listen! Listen! |
2/26/2023 Pastor Wally Steele presents Acts 21:27-40 Paul in the Temple in trouble.
Points I want you to take from todays message with you this week: 1. God broke down all the dividing walls when he sent Jesus to become the ultimate sacrifice. 2. You are God's temple today. 3. Your testimony is how you live, who you are, and your words to witness to anyone. |
2/19/2023 The service begins with a skit by Pastor Wally Steele and Pat Steele. Pastor Steele then presents Acts 21:17-25.
What can we learn from these Scriptures today? 1. If the Holy Spirit warns you not to do something, it is a good idea that you don't do it. But if you do, get ready for what lies ahead. 2. Understand that the Bible is your guide - not a person, not a Church, not a denomination - the Bible. 3. Over the years I have learned that as long as I follow Christ and his Words, I am free to do whatever it takes to reach people for Christ. |
2/12/2023 Pastor Wally Steele presents the book of Ruth.
Powerful Lessons We Can Learn from the Story of Ruth: Lesson #1 - There is Hope Even in the Most Devastating Times of Our Life Lesson #2 - Doing the Right Thing Often Takes Great Sacrifice Lesson #3 - Sharing Openly About Our Relationship with God Brings Intimacy to Relationships Lesson #4 - We Must Be People of Character Even When We Think No One is Watching Lesson #5 - God Uses Unlikely People for His Purpose |
2/5/2023 Pastor Wally Steele presents Acts 20:22-24 through 21:12-14. He also reviews Acts 9:5-16 and Jeremiah 29:4-14
Wally's words to think about this week: God doesn't demand the impossible, but the possible while He does the impossible to make it possible. Scriptures used in today's message: Acts 20:22-24 Acts 21:4 Acts 21:10-14 Acts 9:5-6 Romans 7:19-20 Jeremiah 29:4-14 1Corinthians 9:18-23 |
1/29/2023 Pastor Wally Steele presents Acts 20:16-38 Paul's Farewell to the Ephesian Elders
How does the Holy Spirit work with us? 1. The Holy Spirit makes us more like Jesus. 2. He gives us the power to witness. (Acts 1:8, 2 Timothy 1:7, Galatians 3:27) 3. The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth. (John 16:13, 1 Corinthians 14:33, Romans 8:14-17 4. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin. (John 16:8) 5. The Holy Spirit opens God's Word to us. (2 Timothy 3:16, John 14:26) 6. The Holy Spirit unites us with other believers. (Acts 4:32) |
1/22/2023 Pastor Wally Steele presents Acts 20:1-12 and the Communion Message.
Readings from the message: Acts 20:1-12 Passover - Leviticus 23:4-8 Lord's Supper/Communion - Matthew 26:26-30 |
1/15/2023 Pastor Wally Steele presents Acts 19:23-41 The Riot in Ephesus. Two new attendees become members of Cactus Christian Fellowship.
What are the things I want you to take with you this week: The Tools of Satan:
1/8/2023 Pastor Wally Steele speaks on Acts 19:8-22
What do I want you to take with you this week:
1/1/2023 Pastor Wally Steele speaks on Acts 18:23-19:7
Notes for January 1, 2023 - GOD HAS A PLAN