July-September 2022 Sermons
9/25/2022 Pastor Wally Steele
9/25/2022 Pastor Wally Steele shares the message of Barnabus and Saul being sent to spread the Word of God in Antioch.
Things to take with you from this sermon: 1. Tough times will come and go, but God remains constant, and the sacrifice of Jesus that brings salvation is still a promise that we can hold fast to. 2. That the Church must support those sharing the Gospel message to others. 3. Our role must be that of prayer and fasting. |
9/18/22 Pastor Wally Steele
9/18/22 Pastor Wally Steele tells the story about Peter's miraculous escape from Herod's prison.
9/11/2022 Pastor Wally Steele
9/11/2022 Wally Steele discusses Barnabas's impact on Antioch church.
9/4/2022 Pastor Wally Steele
9/4/2022 Wally Steele presents Peter's visit with the Centurion and other Gentiles
8/28/2022 Pastor Wally Steele
8/28/2022 Pastor Wally Steele presents Acts 9 - Peter Raises Dorcas
8/21/2022 Pastor Wally Steele
8/21/2022 Pastor Wally Steele presents Acts 9 - Saul & Ananias
8/14/2022 Pastor Wally Steele
8/14/2022 Pastor Wally Steele presents "Nothing is Impossible" for God
8/7/2022 Pastor Wally Steele
8/7/2022 Pastor Wally Steele presents Acts 8 - Saul & the Ethiopian
7/31/2022 Pastor Wally Steele
7/31/2022 Pastor Wally Steele presents Acts 8 -The church is persecuted and scattered
7/24/22 Pastor Wally Steele
7/24/2022 Pastor Wally Steele Presents Acts 7 - Stephen's sermon
7/17/2022 Pastor Wally Steele
7/17/2022 Pastor Wally Steele Presents Acts 6 - The choosing of the seven deacons
7/10/2022 Pastor Wally Steele
7/10/2022 Pastor Wally Steele presents Acts 5 - Ananias and Sapphira lie to God and the Apostles are persecuted.
7/3/2022 Pastor Wally Steele
7/3/2022 Pastor Wally Steele presents Acts 4 - Peter and John appear before the Sanhedrin. The Believers' Prayer